Solar Fields

Open-Field Photovoltaic System

An open-air photovoltaic system (also known as a solar park) is a photovoltaic system that is not installed on a building or on a facade, but on an open area at ground level. A ground-mounted system is a permanently installed system in which the photovoltaic modules are aligned at an optimal angle to the sun (azimuth) by means of a substructure.

Agri-photovoltaics (abbr .: Agri-PV, also Agrar-PV or Agro-PV) is a special form of the photovoltaic open space system. Not the entire open space is dedicated to photovoltaics here. Instead, the open space is used for photovoltaics and agriculture at the same time. This is achieved by installing the photovoltaic systems so high that agricultural vehicles can drive under them. The degree of shading of the agricultural area can be determined by the ratio of the area of ​​the modules to the open area. In the course of climate change, this technology is gaining in importance because the drying out of the soil and damage to plants can be reduced by too intense solar radiation.

In addition to these permanently mounted open-space systems, there are also tracking systems, so-called tracker systems, which follow the position of the sun. There are also photovoltaic systems installed on floats that float on lakes (e.g. dredging holes) (#see below).

As of 2020, solar parks in the best locations worldwide can produce electricity production costs of well below 2 US cents / kWh. [1] In addition, the space efficiency of solar parks is comparatively high: solar parks supply around 25 to 65 times as much electricity per unit

Open spaces and environmental protection

In 2005, together with the nature conservation organization NABU, the Solar Industry Association (UVS) managed a catalog of responsibilities for the environmentally friendly construction of open-space systems. Accordingly, areas should be avoided with reservations and with ecological significance and exposure on elevations that are visible in the intestine. The resurrection should be done in such a way that extensive use and care of the vegetation, e.g. B. through sheep grazing, remains possible longer. The use of pesticides and liquid manure should be avoided. Conservation associations will be closed in planning; possibly is – z. B. in IBAs – an impact assessment is checked. A monitoring of the development of the natural balance from the point of view of inspections after construction. The form of behavior of ecological behavior here goes beyond the understanding of the minimum required. This voluntary commitment should be maintained by project planners and representatives when choosing a location and operating large-scale solar systems installed at ground level. [23]

Studies from 2013 show that solar systems make a high contribution to regional biodiversity and the installation of a solar park enables a significant ecological upgrading of the areas compared to arable or intensive grassland use. In addition to the age of the systems, this is the different delivery biotopes, the possible less than 500 m visible, the possible factor for immigration and the biodiversity of the system. The various systems with the right to biodiversity in the surrounding area feel that they are the best systems with better diversity in the study. Already subsequently time control the extensification of the ability to work to an immigration of butterflies and an increasing variety of plants. In addition, the associated use of the solar park is very important for ecological diversity: too much grazing has a negative effect. Certain of some mobile animal species such as butterflies have already been repopulated in the areas after time. In four of the five possible solar parks, the biodiversity of animals, the intensive field use received with the perception, was indicated. [24]

Floating photovoltaic open space systems

On inland lakes, photovoltaic systems can be installed on floating bodies, for example hollow HDPE blocks. Their efficiency is slightly higher than that of comparable systems on land because they are cooled by the water. [36]

In 2008 the first commercial plant was put into operation. [37]

In March 2016, a floating system with 6.3 MWp installed on the Queen Elizabeth II reservoir near Walton-on-Thames went into operation. [38] [39]

In 2017 a 40 MWp plant (at that time the world’s largest plant) went into operation in Huainan (PR China). The facility extends over 93 hectares and has 132,400 solar modules. [40]
On a quarry pond near Zwolle (Netherlands), the company BayWa r.e. install a 14.5 MW system. It covers about 10 hectares of the lake.

For more information, please contact our experts who are at your disposal with advice and action.

See below pictures of solar fields that were delivered and built by us and our partners.


No earthworks or concrete work are required for our assembly of the solar fields.
We work with screw foundations